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流道與澆口設計往往扮演塑膠射出成型成敗的關鍵角色,它提供射 出成型模具從射出機的噴嘴處到模具的模穴之間塑料流動的控制。隨著產品生命週期的縮短,塑膠製造業者往往需加快生產速度以提昇自己的競爭力,造成流道與澆 口系統因時間成本投入不足而發生設計不良的情形,影響產品品質。如今產品的品質與穩定性逐漸受到消費者重視,因此該考量品質還是成本,往往讓業者左右為難。
此本專業書籍是由流道設計世界權威專家-美國賓州大學John Beaumont教授精心撰寫,書中提及許多射出成型中流道與澆口設計相關專業知識。 如何設計出理想的流道和澆口?選擇冷流道還是熱流道?如何解決因流道所產生的流動不平衡問題?
Beaumont 教授於書中為您詳細解答!
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Injection Molding Handbook
作者:Osswald, Tim A./ Turng, Lih-Sheng/ Gramann, Paul J.
出版社:Hanser Gardner Pubns
裝訂:精裝 / 764頁 / 3.8*17.1*24.1 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷
The Injection Molding Handbook provides engineers, professionals and other involved in this important industry sector with a thorough up-to-date overview of injection molding processing equipment and techniques, including the basic fundamental information on chemistry, physics, material science and process engineering. It covers all components of the injection molding machine and the various process steps. Topics directly affecting injection molding, such as material selection, process control, simulation, design and troubleshooting complete this reference book for the injection molder. The updated second edition handbook presents a well-rounded overview of the underlying theory governing the various injection molding processes without loosing its practical flavor.
Runner & Gating Design Handbook
作者:Beaumont, John P
出版社:Hanser Gardner Pubns
裝訂:精裝 / 308頁 / 2.5*19.1*24.1 cm / 普級 / 彩色印刷
Product Description: For the rst time, both the art and the science of designing runners and gates are presented in a concise format. Tried and true runner and gating design techniques successfully used with various materials and molding applications are described together with cutting-edge new technologies.
This handbook helps determine the optimum design, when to use what type of runner systems, and how to isolate molding problems generated from the gate and runner vs. other molding issues. Full-color 3-D graphics, illustrations and photographs as well as charts, checklists, troubleshooting guides, and contributions from the industrys leading expert John Bozzelli complete this handbook.
Contents:Overview of Runners, Gates, and Gate Positioning. Rheology of Plastics. Filling and Packing Effects on Material and Molded Part. Gate Positioning and Molding Strategies. The Melt Delivery System. Filling and Melt Imbalances Developed in Multi-Cavity Molds. Managing Shear-Induced Melt Variations for Successful Molding. Cold Runner Molds. Hot Runner Molds. Hot Runner Flow Channel Design. Hot Runner Drops, Nozzles, and Gates. Thermal Issues of Hot Runner Systems. The Mechanics and Operation of Hot Runners. Process of Designing and Selecting a Runner System (Gate and Runner A Summary. Troubleshooting.